That there’s something BIG out there waiting for you? Or you have something burning inside of you that yearns to make a living while making a difference?

That was us. The thought of waking up each morning to someone else’s schedule and going to work for someone else’s dream; being stuck in an office 5-6 days a week drove us nuts. Giving the best part of us to someone else all day and then squeezing the rest of what was left of ourselves for our family of 5, at night was not the way we wanted to spend our lives.

If this sounds like you, too then we would love to get to know you better and have you consider what it would be like to work with us.

Click Here To Learn More

We found our Romeo, our legacy Home Based Business opportunity 2 days before Christmas late one Sunday night when someone phoned and recommended that we listen to a conference call. To be honest, Tammi was just trying to be nice to our friend, but Chuck has always had an open mind about looking at opportunities of all kinds. So much so that Tammi once told him that he wasn’t an Entrepreneur, he was just always in the manure!

When we took that phone call we had secret financial skeletons in our closet that even our closest friends didn’t know about.

  • We were constantly overdrawn.
  • We had 17 credit cards maxed out to the tippy top.
  • We could never pay our mortgage on time .
  • And we never knew where that money was going to come from.
  • And Retirement? Ha!

But at the end of the day, when we finished our journey here in life, we wanted our kids and grandkids to be able to say, “Grammi Tammi and Papa Chuck did it right.” So we knew something had to change. More than anything else, we wanted financial dignity.

Dignity Restored

We don’t use 17 credit cards anymore. And the ones we do use? We pay them off in full every Friday. In fact, Friday is payday so it has become our favorite F Word!

  • Our mortgage is paid either on time or early and we are well on our way to being mortgage free.
  • And Retirement? Ha! We have a fat, healthy nest egg safely in place.

More importantly than being able to restore our financial dignity, we are helping loads of other folks do the same thing. We have multiple 6 figure a year earners on our team, adding more every year. . . AND several folks are on their way to annual earning 7 figures, too!

And You?

There is a reason you’re surfing the web and a reason you landed here in particular. You know you’re ready. You want more. And you’re finally ready to make the time you know you deserve – for YOU.

You love the idea of rocking it in your own business and along that journey you call LIFE.

You know you cannot only make it “work” but you can make it HAPPEN! Big time. Your passion can become your livelihood & lifestyle. Your business and relationships can become inspiring. And your ability to empower others can become fulfilling.

You know that you have the ability to have more finances at the end of the month than you ever thought possible!

But there’s a BUT. . .

. . . you want a little extra help. Maybe this is a completely new arena for you. Maybe you are familiar with our industry but haven’t had the kind of support it takes.

Totally OK. Hats off to you. You SHOULD feel like that. Every single one of us should be looking for someone who has walked that path first. Someone who has gone the way learned from mistakes made and can now lead the way.

We get it. That was us, too. Over 28 years ago we found those who became our mentors. Our guides. Our coaches. We found those that could take us by the hand and show us the way.

Walk when we wanted to walk, but run when we wanted to RUN!Buyer Beware!

We now know that not all opportunities are created equal. That there are some ideas to turn and run away from as fast as you can! Especially the ones that look like the next hottest get rich quick scheme.

Although we have been to the top of 3 different Network Marketing companies; and although we have earned over $13 million dollars in this industry & profession, we have seen companies come and go. We have seen companies sink fast.

We’ve been in the place where we’ve earned big incomes, had big bills only to have the rug pulled out from under us.

Along the way, we’ve learned How to Choose a Company you can stake your reputation, your relationships, your hope and your trust on.

We’ve kicked the tires on a lot of junkers. We’ve kissed a lot of frogs on the way to finding our Prince Charming.

And THAT’S what we are excited to help you discover.

And we’ve learned a thing or two about how to master the skillset & the mindset that it takes. We like to think we’ve established a turnkey operation. You turn the key, we help you do the work and then the work pays off. Like none other

You Can Too!!

  • You are in the right spot. Welcome.
  • Look around our website. Get to know us more.

At the end of the day, if you like what you see. . . We’d love to get to know you more. We’d LOVE to work with you!